HOW  know the people in the World the Universe and the earth?

Mars craters at the poles. in mid-air, water, private sun. Other Planet intestine also like: that little sun in the middle, the air, earth, fire left around Vulcan should be sprayed on.

Currently the Theosophical Scientists that is not fully disc.
Space Exploration lot of money! 
not see Earth scenes money! Do 
not know? Or know? Do not know? 
evil as Hitler, repent? or Korea? There are no eternal Hell! Which scene Tien, learn and play, Vegetarian little, by BREATHING know, Refugee down: from, from life!

NASA astronomers + + Computer + Telescope, 
UFO spacecraft + + liquid hydrogen + electricity needed! 
Species people Chau Lemurier + Atlantic have far non-refugee flight. 
Living Planet others and into the intestine near earth! explorer pit, chasm!mid earth that mystery! Sun between comparison sunshine, Live razor 10,000 years! There germs as external, No Virus, not sick all the time, also air, nothingness gas, long-lived mammals. Geology, Geography, Mapping,Know the ground, digging ore, No chun down hole, how do you know?Vulcan spray-sounds, the first in- oh? Land-Bridge-Hoc inside! Such storms, trot, Taifun, Tsunami, not war, Atom explosion, Radiaktivitat, long lives to practice, study, meditation miracle! German scientists after 1945 to go ? humans measure deep holes! Earth as Ballon thin no fire, Mars, increased human hand live at? Join eat recoiless win war, one from the very bowels between peace! Fasting, meditation , Kim Body. enlightened about Nirwana fly so fast!           Figure quoted in The Hollow Earth Fact or Fiction Earth has two holes in the Arctic and Antarctica and into the earth.In the middle is a small sun between the earth around the earth's crust inside the trigger, do not eat, but only breathing gas nothingness, life everlasting, or from 10,000 to 20,000 years ago when want to leave properly, to soul to a higher profile to learn more. Outside the earth's crust, there are many forms of life, many different varieties of law subject to birth, old age, sickness and death due to old age, and in the earth is not old age, no disease, no natural disasters, such as the in addition, no water, no attraction of the Moon, there is no net water, big water, always pure because there is no waste, no pollution outside the ground. arrow attraction (gravity) of the earth . Outside the earth then fell to the ground, inside the attraction of the small sun between push rims crust.

  • Who has the clairvoyance to see and meet in the middle of the earth.
  • Hitler and the scientists are in the midst of the earth. Hitler live on vegetarian, educated Alchemie and reading The secrete of her doctrine HP Blavatsky said sections of Chapter talk about who is not to Thinh hybrid intelligent and less intelligent to net a good seed, you should think of theory Rassismus, citing massacre of the Jews, kill the elderly in Nursing, who was disabled and locked the Germans to Jehova refused the soldiers for Nazi gas chambers as Jews. Hitler evil days ago, repent down the tunnel to go from Berlin to the small hole in Switzerland, Bad Aibling, Makta, Tibetan, Indian cave in common.
  • Captain of the Titanic and the first passengers on sinking ship has been lost, but to be pits, people Atlanter saved. After 80 years of rising was fine, not sores clothes as old. U.S. Navy U.S. carrying on research (confidentiality).
  • UFO is remote non of the same Atlanter on Mars down to earth.
  • Alien landing on earth, transplanted pig sperm in China for failing to find any woman ovulating at menarche 14 days and pigs born pigs.
  • Tesla who invented the crazy lamp (not his Italian Madisan) has stem hole in alive, after two tower power God has not yet succeeded.
  • Vietnamese students in the experiment to 4 Handies direction. Call 4 Handies the same time, the seeds of edible popcorn. The Hoo Essential taught NASA Microwave, lasers, bombs only death, but the house remains the same.
  • NASA, the Pentagon secrecy about UFOs, Alien to learn a technique invented by the Alien.
  • She Japanese Princess Japanese Princess Kaoru Nakamaru had clairvoyance (claivoyance = Helsehen) Read Message for humanity, said she had contact with people in the bowels of the earth.
  • 5D space should anyone clairvoyance and contact with anyone meditate on the ceiling by telepathy, do not say that to understand each other.
  • God = God Gott = Germany stands as the eyes or label Thien Cao Dai on earth. Said by Duc Ly Thai Bach is: "Cao Cao Dai Radio khjong of the new government is Cao Dai". Seeing this, no new religion at all, the fact that the great.
  • On the crust too much religion should more nhiei new different cannon and the cause of the war known as the "Holy War", in fact you did not fight holy, but by human greed, hatred , ignorance, superstition, fanaticism creating war to slaughter each other, like European Lemuria hit with European Atlantic atomic bomb damaged earth, to change the axis, green DIC changed today. To holes in the Arctic Ocean caused by glaciers cover explorers do not see them anywhere. Hole on earth axis in the glacial Arctic Ocean also cover, but in the still air. 
    lives of humanity in the intestine earth civilization very high Spiritual, not spending money on the ground, herb planting, invite each other to eat, love is holy universal brotherhood, loving, not hating, true temperament true nature and true meditation TRAINING NETWORK, no one commander or ruler who that see each other as God Internet, and Dai, do not have any religion that everyone knows Dai ​​Dao Tam. By pure, pure through food Tien Thien up man in Korea at that. They use telepathy to communicate with people on the face of the earth, it is recommended to stop weapons, atomic bombs, do not invade each other, robbing each other
  • Pentagon, CIA of the United States had contact with the Earth in the gut (when Gouverneur Chlinton was governor). Once elected president, because you at the White House should not be reached between the Earth.
  • In 1945 many of the U.S. submarine submarine was sunk in the pit to Hitler at the South Pole that news from the U.S. tried to keep it a secret, not revealed to the American people know.
  • Mussolini's why a general flight from Rome to Hiroshima and Nagasaki study why two hospitals near where the bomb exploded without unharmed as cancer or die from radiation? No one answered, though he has said that all the in Day Hospital bombs are healthy by fasting, eating brown rice sesame salt treatment under GS Oshawa. Today, people living below the earth always healthy, young, and can live for 10,000 years to 20,000 years as to why?
  • Why race between intestinal Earth lost contact with the people on the ground? Because you know, they came down, carrying hatred down that unknown nature, meditation unknown, no record, no Kim My and when Kim Body, at left identify new Nirvana.
  • The earth is not a human gut explorer, photography and drawing Atlas, not learned wonderful techniques and high civilization, Religion able to understand, but can not define. Outside there Caodaism by the God himself opened in Vietnam, there are limited dollars to learn doctrine. The Selection and in this the post method of cultivation, where in a lifetime will become Tien Buddhist work, united with the Father in Heaven. A child of Father God (God) is the Lord Jesus Christ or Duc Ngo Minh Chieu in Vietnam from a privileged life as an example Director who wants to religious faith to unity with the Father in Heaven.

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(C) Author: Ha Phuoc Thao